
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Another season come & gone...

Wow, it's been a while since I posted! Things have been pretty busy around here. Lots to post about! But for now, this one will be about soccer. I haven't posted anything about the season so far... but Blake played for his 3rd year, and Layla played for the first time. At first she did really good, then suddenly decided she didnt like it and didnt want to talk to anyone else there or be there. Blake would always have to help her "warm up" and then she would be okay. But she maybe said 5 words to the coach the whole season. By the end though, she loved it. However, when we ask her if she wants to play next year, she says no, that she wants to dance and cheer. But she says she wants to play summer soccer, lol.

I will post in a few days about some of the other things happening around here, but for now, let's look back on North Lakeland Youth Soccer's 2008 Season.

I made these little gingerbread ornaments to give to each of the kids on both teams. They are made of all edible ingredients (except the paint!) but they are NOT edible. You would probably break your teeth if you tried! I can post the recipe if anyone is interested. Just let me know!

And as a little reward for a season well-played, they got their trophies at the last game. Layla was *SO* excited!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving with full bellies full of yummy food, and found some fantastic deals on Black Friday! I know I did!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Adding to the collections

I know I haven't posted lately. I guess I've just been busy. Soccer is wrapping up, only one game left. Been working over some, too. And I know it's been a while since I posted anything vintage. None of these finds were that recent, I havent been to the thrift since before Halloween.

But when I went, I found MORE Taylor, Smith & Taylor Boutonniere!

ALL of it so far has come from the same thrift. I have 3 large plates, 4cups, 2 saucers & 2 small plates so far. I also found this Pyrex mug at the Catholic Thrift.

On the last trip to the Catholic Thrift, I found an addition to the wooden-handled utensil collection. I was told this is a knife sharpener. It's also the first piece I've found with a yellow handle. I think all of my other stuff is red.

I also found another piece of matte white pottery. I don't have nearly as much as some of you bloggers out there, but I'm catching up as I find it! This is such an odd shaped piece to me. But I just love the aqua color inside! It's Haeger.

Things have been going pretty good though. I am about 23 weeks along now. Finally starting to show instead of just looking fat! But I can still wear some of my regular clothes. I'm slowly transitioning into maternity clothes. My house is clean and I am relaxing right now. I have been putting off mixing up dough for some non-edible gingerbread ornaments, and I am running out of time! I made them for the soccer team last year and am planning on doing it for both teams this year. I better get busy!
Anyway, have a great weekend!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Fun

Every year, since Blake was one, I believe, we have painted pumpkins. It's usually done in the house, but it was so nice out that day, we set them up outside.

Blake was waiting for his pumpkin to dry and asked if he could make a mask. He said he needed cardboard, so I told him he could use anything in the recycle bin. He ended up with this, so I guess the mask idea was out.

And then of course, we have Halloween! Layla was a witch this year and Blake decided to be Zorro. I have no idea where he got the idea for that, he hasn't even seen the movie! This was the first time I ever attempted to make one of their costumes. I think Layla's turned out pretty good though. Check out the toothless grin on Blake!

Her hat was pretty plain, and I had some leftover tulle, so I decided to add some to the hat. I also used some black lace and a plastic spider.

Of course, by the second street, Layla was whining that she needed a drink. That's her favorite saying these days. And then it was that she watned to go back to Nonnie's. But she somehow managed to make it through all of the streets. It seemed like there were a lot less houses to stop at this year. What about in your neighborhood?

I spent all day Sunday cleaning the house and putting away all the Halloween decorations. As much as I love Halloween, it feels good to have the house back to
"normal", even though it's only a matter of weeks before the Christmas decorations come out!