
Sunday, November 29, 2009


Four day weekends are great, especially holiday ones. This one has been no exception. We enjoyed a relaxing Thanksgiving, filling our bellies with fried turkey & all the fixins. That night we went through the ads and made our lists, getting ready for Black Friday.

We headed out around 11:30 that night. I tried to rest but I dont think I ever actually feel asleep. Toys R Us was our first stop. Holy cow, we'll never do that again! I think it took about an hour to get INSIDE the store... the line went several businesses past Toys R Us. Once we finally got inside, it was madness. They had the lines woven throughout the store so you could hardly shop. We got in line and shopped as we wove. They were out of the 2 for $10 diapers, I only found 1 of the 3 Muskateer Barbies I wanted... I did get some really good deal on some clothes (50% off clearance prices), but not enough to make it worth the hours we stood in line. We finally got out of there around 4 am. From there we hit the mall and Target. Maybe it's just me, but I think Target's sale wasnt so great this year. The only thing I really wanted, they were out of, and that was the Up DVD. I think I finally got home around 10. I somehow managed to stay awake and get the tree up and decorated!

Now I'm not ready for the weekend to end! So how about you, did you brave the crowds? Get any good deals?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ornament Swap Sneak Peek

I thought I would share a little sneak peek for my swap partner, Pat. She doesnt have a blog yet, or I would share her link. I really hope you like them!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First Pecans...

Now tangerines!

Up next is oranges, then grapefruit!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I Won!

A little while back, I entered a giveaway on This Southern Girl's Life. If you havent checked Joanna's blog out, you should! The giveaway was sponsored by Madison Reece Designs. It was for my choice of pendant, and as soon as I saw them, I knew which one I wanted. But before I show you, look how they come!

I thought this would be a perfect Christmas gift for Layla!

I hope she likes it!

I know I havent been blogging much, it seems like we've been so busy lately. Between soccer and dance, and it getting dark right after I get home, it seems like there's no time! And it's so hard to take semi-decent pictures, hence the above ones taken in my bathroom. Anyway, have a good week. Oh, and thanks again to Joanna & Madison Reece Designs!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


After two years of complaining about the squirrels eating ALL of our pecans, we've hit the motherload. We are out there almost every day picking up the ones that fell that day. And let me tell you, we have a ton! We've given away I think two 1 gallon bags so far...

And we still have all this! AND they are still dropping. So... what can I do with all of these?! Any good recipes?

Monday, November 2, 2009


Another Halloween come & gone. I cannot believe it's November already! That and Morgan is 8 months old today! Its crazy, where does the time go? Anyway... I though I'd share some photos from our Halloween. Here are the kids pumpkins. This is Blake's. He had that orange & white pumpkin. It was so weird, it was an off-white color inside and it smelled exactly like a cucumber.

And Layla's.... It's a cat, but because her pumpkin was kind of short & fat, I couldnt do the whole body.

Every year they take pictures infront of this Monsters, Inc. sign.

It's kind of hard to get good pics of all 3 of them at once!


My mafia man... (I asked for mean/mad faces!)

And the cutest little bunny ever!

Trying this again...

And finally Blake and his cousin, Trey.

It was SO hot on Halloween. Poor Morgie was soaking wet with sweat. I had to take her bunny ears off but she was still sweaty. Hopefully this heat will go away soon, I'm ready for Fall!

We took down all the Halloween decorations tonight. It feels good to have the house back, if only for a few more weeks! The Christmas decorations will come out on Black Friday. Who else is shopping this year?