
Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day Weekend

We didn't have much really planned for Father's Day. The kids & I both made something for Mike. And I had planned on making a cake for him. Last weekend I took the kids down to Picasso's Cup (paint your own pottery place) so they could make something for daddy. I guess in a small way, you could say it was for me too. By that I mean, something for him to keep his ipod, phone, wallet, etc in, and off of my oven! I also made him a little frame out of an old AOL box (those CD's that used to come in the mail) with a drawing of him, courtesy of Blake. And I did make him his cake, in the shape of a golf cart. I made it look as close to his as I could do. Dark green color. No top. Just couldnt do the three wheels instead of four. And I do have pictures of all of this, and would post them. Except Blogger isn't letting me tonight. Arg. Anyway.

We also went to see Kung Fu Panda yesterday. Pretty cute! I did stop at the catholic church, too. They were having their 25th Anniversary Celebration & Thrift Store Grand Re-Opening. Only got 2 things. A plate and a frame. Oh, on Saturday, we went to a place down the road called The Scrounge Around. We went looking for something for his dad for Father's Day. We did find him some things... an old scale and a shelf. I got two things as well, and Mike finally found something he likes! He always says that I never get anything for him when I go junking, but I never know what to get! I will share photos when this thing works again!

1 comment:

  1. Ohh, I love finding old treasures! It's been a long time since I've gone out looking!



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