
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Recent Crafty Stuff

I thought I would share a few crafty things I did recently. Paper-crafty. I did this for Blake's album. The journaling is the same as the one further down for Layla. Since we got Pumpkin, I started calling her P. Somehow, it started me calling the kids B & L. So I thought I would do a page about it.

I also finished this. I've had these pages back for a while, so I figured I would finally finish it all. I'm sure some of you know what a Circle Journal is, so what's an Un-Circle Journal? We completed all the pages, sent them to the hostess, and then she divided them up and sent them back.

Here is Layla's version of the B&L Layout. I didnt have two sheets of that blue, so I decided to reverse hers.

A close-up of the journaling:

I whipped these up the other night. Really fast and simple! I think the pinwheels themselves turned out good, but I'm not sure about the end result. The little bucket I got on Valentine's Day clearance awhile back.

And some crafty-ness from the kids. Or creativeness atleast. Atleast they are finally playing with the Tinkertoys!

And finally, not crafty. But cute. Chicken Dinner is sitting on 17 eggs. I have not seen her leave this bucket. We don't think she laid them, but she is sitting on them. There are 4 Aurucana eggs in there that we got from someone Mike worked with. They are the ones that lay the blue & green eggs. I can't wait till they hatch! Even though we can't keep em all :(. (not enough room!)

Have a great week!


  1. I truly appreciate it.

  2. Haha, you call the chicken chicken dinner?

  3. Cute cute scrapbook pages!! Love the pinwheels-may have to make a few myself!


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