
Friday, January 30, 2009

Quick Project

Awhile back I made Layla a tack board out of a mirror the kitty had broken. You can see that
here. Then plan was to make one for Blake also, I just needed to find a frame that was the right size. The project had kind of been put on the backburner and forgotten about. Until a couple weeks ago, I stopped by Target to do the baby registry. I saw these corkboards in the dollar spot for $2.50. So I figured, why not? The cork was pretty thin, but it works. I had bought the fabric when we moved in this house, intending to make curtains for his room. Never got around to that, either.

All it took was some black paint, spray adhesive & that fabric, and we have this!

Of course, we couldnt have plain old tacks either. So a trip to Michael's left us with these soccer buttons, and I had the flat tacks leftover from Layla's project. They don't really stand out, but he likes them.

What kind of projects have you finished up lately?

Oh, and a quick kitty update. We are down to four now. Mike's sister took Fluff Ball (now Willy) and his mom took Pepsi. Every night the four of them pile up in our bed with us. But I think we have annoyed, Pea, she has taken to sleeping in Layla's bed.

Monday, January 19, 2009

6 Little Monsters

I promised photos of the kitties now that they are bigger and cuter, and here they are! They each have their own little nicknames now and defiantly all have different personalities.

This is Fluff Ball, or sometimes referred to as the Cowardly Lion. He is the biggest of the bunch. He was a bit of a loner at first, but he's getting much better. He is really soft and fuzzy.

This is Pepsi. Layla named him. I kind of feel bad for this little guy. He is the runt and used to be the biggest crybaby. He had the loudest and most pathetic meow. He also has a lazy eyes sometimes, and his tail got caught in a door, so now the end of his little tail is crooked. He is very playful and the very tip of his tail is white.

This is The Hisser. He got this name because one day he was hiding underneath the ottoman and Mike reached down to him. All of a sudden he started hissing and spitting like he was something tough. He is pretty much a loner also, but he is getting better. He has a very unique stripe pattern also.

This is Chewbacca, or Chewy. Blake named her. She was actually the first one with a name and is very sweet. I think she looks more like Yoda personally. (Yes, Blake is a Star Wars freak).

I thought I had a photo of Possum here, but turns out, this is The Hisser again, laying on top of the Fluff Ball.

This is PJ (stands for Pancake Jr. Even though she's a girl.). I think she is probably my favorite. She is very playful but also very sweet. Funny how the two non-striped ones are both females.

What our living room usually looks like:

THIS is Possum. He may not look very possum-y in this picture, but when he's sneaking through stuff, he defiantly does. He's a little skittish but also very playful and cuddly. This guy is Mike's favorite.

And for some random shots... The Hisser. Sleeping alone in the hallway while everyone else was piled up somewhere.

For awhile, they really liked piling up in my magazine crate.

Dragging out ALL the kitty toys can really tire you out...

Layla and the Chew-Bear...

Blake, the PSP and the Fluff Ball...

Mike, PJ & Fluff Ball (I think!)

Well, there they are. As much as we shouldnt have, I think we have grown pretty attached to these little guys. Lately they have all been crawling into the bed with us at night. Every time one of us wakes up, there is either a pile of kittens or a wrestling match going on. They are defiantly a form of entertainment and it will be hard to see them go!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Around the "Farm"

Even though it's January, you can still find things sprouting up and blooming around our yard. We ripped out the Zinnia's quite a while ago, yet I have found several new ones popping up in the flower bed. So far, three have bloomed.

Remember the vintage claw foot tub I posted awhile back, with the flowers in it? I figured by now we would have a bunch of dead annuals, but they seem to be holding up pretty well. I admit, this isnt looking so nice anymore, I need to pull out that overgrown thing in the front. But these guys are still going strong.

I know it's pretty cold for the whole country right now, and we arent being left out. They have been threatening freezes almost every night, so I figured I would take these photos before it happened. Thats why they seem so dark. We don't really have an actual compost pile, but we have been dumping vegetable & plant scraps out where we put our garden, to till up later on. Several pumpkin plants have since sprouted up. But as you can see, the cold has already gotten to them.

We also found two onions coming up.

It's defiantly been awhile since I posted any unusual egg findings. Well, when Mike came in with yesterdays bounty, I knew I had to share. This is what he found:

Another pretty large brown egg, a blue egg and this little tiny thing! I have to wonder if there is even a yolk in there, but I haven't cracked it. It's been a long time since we got any double-yolkers, and only that one time that we got a triple. I'll let you know what I find!

I hope you have a great week. My next post will be about the kittens!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Flea Babies

It may not sound like it, but "Flea Babies" is a term of endearment around here. In this case, it's the kitties. For some reason, Pumpkin likes to climb up the back of the jeans and then squeeze her butt through the center hole. She may look cute, but if you try and pet her, she will bite and or scratch you.

I dont think I ever posted about it, but several months ago, when I went out to get the newspaper, I saw a little black kitten take off across the yard, right towards the road. I knew what was about to happen, and my heart sank when I heard the thump. I ran out there expecting the worse. I picked the tiny thing up and tried to look at it without hurting it. There was no external damage, but who knew what may have happened internally. I sat him in the grass in our yard because I didnt know what to do. I knew I couldnt afford to take him to the vet. I came out and checked on him once and he was still there. But when I went to leave for work, he was gone. Mike said he saw him in the back yard a little later when he went to leave but coudlnt get near him.

After that there were no sightings. Until a month or so later, a friend of his was over working on the electric and mentioned seeing our little black kitten. Turns out, he has been living underneath the house. He is still here, but you can't get too close. He seems to be growing more comfortable with us because he used to take off the second you walked out. Now he will sit there and watch you and wait for you to leave the food out. He got a name tonight. It's Steel, since he's a "kitty made out of steel". He survived being hit by a car and doesnt seem to be hurt at all. This was taken through the kitchen window. He is all black with very bright green eyes.

I need to get a post typed up about the kittens. They are getting so big and cute!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saturday Finds

I still haven't actually gone yardsaling, but I have been itching to go to the thrift lately. The plan today was to donate a trunk full of stuff to the catholic thrift and take a look around. But for some reason they were closed today. Then I remembered there was a big yard sale going on next to another store we like, the Scrounge Around shop. So I figured, why not? I'm glad we did, I think I found some good stuff!

Like these butterprint Pyrex refrigerator dishes!

This apothecary jar was only $1. You can always find a use for these things.

Another old doorknob for my small collection.

Mike always says I never get him anything when I go yardsaling. Well, I saw this next to the old doorknob and decided to pick it up for him. It's an old planer.

This shot is a little blurry but I didnt feel like redoing it. An old strainer that matches a lot of the other red handled stuff I have.

I also picked up this old dictionary. It's not super old (1946) but I like it and it's a good size. I figured I can use it to stack underneath other stuff.

Now for something I didnt expect to find. We went to leave this morning and for some reason I looked down at the floor near the screen door. I saw something moving so I got closer. That's when I realized it was a snake. This one was pretty small, I dont know if it was even 6 inches. He was all black except for that orange-ish mark around his neck. And his belly was the same color. This is the third snake to be in part of the house. We've had one previously on the porch and another one actually INSIDE the house. Luckally I found it and not Mike. He isnt much of a fan.

So have you found anything good lately?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Last Minute Christmas Craft

I really didnt do any crafting this Christmas. Not for lack of wanting to, I just never really got around to it. But when I saw this idea in an email from Joann's a few weeks back, I knew I wanted to try it. I had a bunch of foam balls I bought at a yardsale, so all I needed was the yarn. I dont knit or crochet (although I would like to learn), but I thought it was really cute.
I decided on blue & white because blue is my favorite color and I just love blue & white together. I didnt have the right size balls so I used the next size smaller and a few more than the picture shows. I also left out the knitting needles. I dont love my bow, but I am not good at tying those things, especially with wired ribbon.

This isnt craft related, but I wanted to share these since the Christmas decorations all got packed away today. I picked these up awhile back at a yardsale. I just love the soft colors and glitter. The box says Christmas by Krebs. I dont know anything about them. The cap of one of these says "West Germany" but the box says it's made in America. Anyone know anything about these?

I hope you have a happy new year!