
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Valentine's Day Craft Party!

It's that time! I'm posting a bit early so I dont have to try & squeeze it in tomorrow night. I hope to see a lot of you join in!

This is a classic, but I wanted to do it anyway. I found these wooden hearts last year in the dollar bin at Joann's. Mike cut a couple branches off a maple tree, and I had the pottery. Just fill with glitter. Super easy!

A little green, because, why not?

These wont last, but look nice for now.

This project was completely unplanned, but the other day, I got an envelope in the mail from Say Anything Expressions. I had ordered from them in the past for a project I have yet to share. They sent this cute little vinyl as a thank you! How sweet of them! If you are looking for vinyl, check them out, I am very pleased with this, and the piece I ordered!

I also I have an idea in the works for some
leftover gingerbread ornament dough from December...

I have a few other projects in mind, hopefully I'll get them done! Our weeks have turned pretty hectic. Blake has started football (Monday, Tuesday & Thursday last week, Tuesdays & Thursdays starting this week), Layla has dance on Wednesdays, and I have class on Thursdays. Busy, busy!

Now it's your turn! Please share with us your Valentine's crafts, recipes, projects.... anything really! Just PLEASE link to your actual post, not the main page of your blog. And dont forget to link back to me! Lets make this party great! Feel free to right click & save the Valentine's button, I didnt get a chance to make an actual button!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Need Your Help!

I joined the 2nd Annual Party Party over at My Insanity. If you've never visited, you must check it out! TONS of great party ideas. Much to my surprise, I am in the top 10! So I'd REALLY appreciate if you have the time to swing over & vote for me! Thank you in advance! :)

Also, please dont forget about my Valentine's Party, here on February 1st!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I finally updated my blog banner! Its a nice change from the pumpkins, dont you think? Anyway, even though my last blog party didnt turn out so well, I've decided to try this again. I'm hosting a Valentine's Craft party! It will be on Monday, February 1st. Please spread the word! I want to see your Valentine's Day projects. Recipes, crafts, clothes.... whatever you've got! Please help make this party better than my last! :)

(I know - its cutting off the side, I'll try & fix this later!)

Ramblings from the Sunshine State

I really hope to see you there!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Coffee Table!

I posted back over the summer about a new coffee table I'd found. I posted in in various stages of being updated, but hadnt got it finished. We had major issues with this table. Bad paint, spots getting bumped.... lets just say this thing has probably been sanded 100 times and has multiple layers of paint now. But it's done!! This is how I found it...

And this is what we had.

But now, we have this!

I love it!! But this picture reminds me of how badly I want slipcovers and new pillows for those couches (the other one is brown) and how much we need a new rug. Something is better than nothing, and this is what we found cheap at the time. Any tips on nice rugs that arent super expensive?

Regardless of the couches and rug, I love my new table! Even it took months to finish. (LOVE YOU HONEY!)

And if you havent yet, please stop by my last post and let me know where your from! I have 45 followers, I'd love to hear from more of you. :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Where are you?

I have noticed quite often, that people post about meeting up with some fun, new crafty friends, courtesy of blogging. I rarely find people in my area and I dont really know but one other person who crafts. So that got me to wondering, where are you? Where do you live? I see the visitors to my blog on the widget to the left, but I would love to hear from you. So please, wont you take a moment and leave me a comment telling me where you're from?

Oh and, I guess I should add, I am in Lakeland, FL. And you may recognize the above shopping center from a little movie called Edward Scissorhands. Yep, part of it was shot here. It also happens to be home to Kim from Daisy Cottage! I havent had the chance to meet her yet though. Maybe one day! Anyway, I'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas & COLD!

I know most everyone already shared some of their Christmas gifts this year, but I was waiting for one to come in. Since Morgie came along, I needed and update for my stamped silver necklace. Not to mention it had broke. So I found one I loved on Etsy and it finally arrived! The seller is Brag About It and she did an awesome job!

I also finally got a replacement for my crappy, 4 year old Kodak camera. Check our my new Canon Powershot! I still am lusting over a Canon Rebel, but I am also very happy to have this. As much as I disliked my old camera, I knew how to use it. I need to practice with this one a little!

I mentioned in my last post that there was talk of snow here in Florida. Well... it snowed! But I missed it. Or it didnt happen at my house. Seems like it did everywhere else though. But even though it didnt snow (that we saw) it still froze. Our AC unit is always the spot to check for ice.

We even found icecicles! I didnt notice these at first, but Mike & his dad were out picking oranges and kept hearing noises. I guess they looked up and realized it was ice falling out of the tree.

I hope you are all staying warm! I have a couple of projects I want to get started/finished up this week (you know, that whole resolution thing), so I hope to get those done and posted. Stay tuned! Also, please stop by & say hello if you've been lurking but not commenting. I love hearing from you!

Friday, January 8, 2010


The boat...

My car...

A field on the way to school...

Our AC/heat unit...

It's not supposed to be that color!

A water dish....

Like pretty much the whole country, it's COLD in Florida! Its been below freezing at night, going on for about a week so far. Usually its cold for a day or two but then warms back up. Not this time. It has warmed up a little today, I think it's in the 60s? But this weekend its supposed to be even colder. There is talk of it possibly snowing! My kids would LOVE that!
Stay Warm!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 Resolutions

I dont normally make resolutions for the new year. When I have in the past, I never really stuck with them. But I've decided to try agian this year. I know all of them wont be easy, but I'm determined this time, to finally follow through. So what are my resolustions for 2010?

Lose weight & be healthier! I know this one is a common one, and one I've tried numerous times in the past. But I am ready to finally be rid of the extra baby weight I'm carrying around from all 3 of them. I've GAINED weight since my 6 week checkup with Morgan, and I'm done with it. I got a Wii Fit for Christmas, not to mention I have a treadmill, eliptical and workout DVDs. No more excuses!

Next up, make it a point to do more fun activities with the kids. Not necessarily expensive trips out (although Disney would be great again!), but some of the many craft ideas I have saved, movies, game nights. I know we dont take enough time out to just enjoy them. They arent getting any younger!

This is one I have put off for 7 years. I could kick myself for it now! I want to get back in school and finally have a career, instead of just a low-paying job. Classes start Thursday! I'm going for Radiography. I know this really wont be easy, especially once I start the harder classes (I SUCK at math) and clinicals (not sure how that will work with my job, but I'll figure it out when the time comes). I just cant put it off any longer.

Scrapbook more. I used to be CAUGHT UP. There were many times I wanted to scrap but didnt have anything left to scrap! Those times are no more. Blake has several completed albums, Layla has several STARTED albums. I know I'll probably never be caught up, but I do want to make time to scrapbook again.

One word. PROJECTS! I have SO many things for projects piled up or stashed away. Not to mention the huge list of project ideas I have saved into a folder in my favorites. While I havent been thrifting or really getting anything else for projects, I want to make it a point to wipe out some of these started, and even unstarted, projects laying around. A lot of them only need a coouple things to be done, such as my glass lamp. It's been taken apart and painted, I just need a lampshade!

While I'm sure there are probably more I could come up with, for now, my last resolution is to get caught up on photos! I am SO bad about letting them pile up in my camera. I dont like deleting the memory card unless they are safe somewhere else (such as uploaded to Shutterfly) becuase I've had too many incidents with losing them because of a computer crash. I used to have them all developed and put in albums. Now there are piles and piles of newly developed ones, or ones that need copying for scrapping. Not to mention the under-bed tote full of them. I think this might be the one downfall to digital. You can keep adding and adding. With film, you got full and had to develop. I think I'm going to try clearing out the card everytime I get to 100, and then upload and order. I prefer Shutterfly over local developing.

Well, that's it I suppose. What about you? Are you making any resolutions this year? I'd love to hear about them! I'm adding this to Carrie's post over at Making Lemonade.