
Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day at Webster

Down the road a bit, there is a tiny town called Webster. Every Monday, the town grows in size, due to their weekly flea market. We don't go often, since it's only Mondays and we are usually working. But since we were off for Memorial Day, Mike, his parents, Morgan & I decided to head on over. The big kids stayed away from home last night. Blake with a friend and Layla with an aunt!

I'm a sucker for a great frame. And I don't find many good oval ones.

I usually avoid Pyrex, Fire King, etc at these things because they are so expensive. But I found this really cute Glasbake dish for a great price. I love the polka dots!

I have been hoping to find an old window or two, but I never do. I find one today though!

Even Mike found a couple things. Morgan had to check them out.

I was hoping for an egg basket, but didnt find any I wanted. I think we did good though. Now off to enjoy the last bit of my long weekend. Have a good one!

Linking up to Today's Thrifty Treasures at Southern Hospitality!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Decorating Dilemma

I know everyone has seen those awesome photo collage's and photo ledges all over the magazines and blogs. And I want one!

Lettered Cottage Guest room traditional bedroom
(via Houzz)

My problem is, where? I cant decide, so I would like your opinion please! Here are my options. My hallway, left side. I'm not in love with that picture hanging on the wall there. And dont you love all the boxes attached to the wall?

Or right side. I'm not sure I want the shelf here anymore, but I'm not sure. This is also where I think I'm going to put the little sewing machine table.

Or the other option is my living room. This is how the room looks. I'm not sure about these hang prints here. They seem too small, what do you think? (Ive been meaning to blog about these!)

This is the opposite wall from the photo above. (I HATE that light!)

This is looking straight ahead when you walk in. The wall above is to the right, the one with the handprints is to the left.

And here is the opposing wall.

So, any suggestions? Where do you think I should start a photo collage? I thought about a photo ledge above the couch and the collage in the hall? Not sure. Please help! :)

I'm joining the Decorating Dilemma party over at Serenity Now. And I apologize for the poor photo quality. It was getting dark!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Every year we plant a little garden. Pretty much always the same things, but we like what we like. We've tried corn, unsuccessfully, but this year we decided to skip it. Here's our little garden.

Something new for this year, okra. I havent actually eaten this in a long time, and I dont think Mike ever has. I know the kids havent! So we'll see how that goes. (sorry it's not that focused!)

Peppers. We've already used two for dinner.

Onions. We've had mixed luck with these in the past, so again, we'll see how these go.

Always the shining star of the garden, green beans!

This year we are trying roma tomatoes, since we really only want them for sauce, none of us actually eat tomatoes. Although honestly, I've been thinking of trying them. I used to eat fried green tomatoes, but at some point, I stopped liking them. I'm a very picky eater!

These we didn't plant, they came up on their own. When we don't have anything planted, we toss our vegetable/fruit scraps out where we have the garden. These guys were our Halloween pumpkins. They will be gone before Halloween is anywhere close, but it's fun to watch them grow.

Jack-be-Littles! We have decided that we are going to try a whole patch of pumpkins out in the field. Hopefully we will be able to have a real pumpkin patch for Halloween, and sell them! There are no real patches around here. You're only options are church's with a field full of pumpkin, vegatable stands or the grocery store. Wish us luck!

The garden isn't all that's growing. Check out our Florida peach tree!

Back to the garden for a moment... with three rows of green beans, it isnt long before you have to pick.

Here was our haul from this past weekend. There is still a ton left on the plants!

And what do we do with all those fresh beans? Pressure can! From that pile we canned 32 pints of beans. The pint jar is very similar in size to a can of store bought beans. If those beans are roughly $1.00 a can (give or take), think of the savings! We only spent probably $3-$4 on the seeds.

Mother nature is also providing us with some fresh food for the summer.

It's a jungle out there!

Wild blackberries!

We picked two cups worth Tuesday. There are a ton that aren't ripe yet and a whole bunch we can't even reach, or risk ripping your arms apart.

Not pictured are the carrots and the two apple trees that my father in law planted. Yes, Florida apples, too! They are still very small but one tree has two little apples growing on it.
Have a good week!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Few Finds

Yard sale season is in full swing here, but, I havent been to any. I did get one new thing this weekend, though, from the Catholic thrift, and I also had a few things I forgot to share before. Like this Phillips bottle. I found this in the creek at the bottom of my aunt's house in Virginia. It says "Genuine Phillips Made in USA" on the bottom, and also has the letter M and number. I know it can't be super old, as it has threads for a screw on lid. Does anyone have any idea when they quit using glass?

I have seen several thrifters find this old card game, Rook, and always admired the cards themselves. I finally happened to find a deck at the Catholic thrift awhile back!

This is what I found yesterday. An old sewing machine table. My husband hates it. I admit, it doesnt look the best right now. The creamy white paint I do kind of like, it's chippy and has cracks that you just cant recreate with crackle paint. But I am not loving the gold/brown accents, or even the little knob. But I think it would look really nice with a new paint job. And I have an old glass knob I found in the shed here that I could use to replace that pull. What do you think? Do you hate it, too? Be honest, I can take it!

This wont be fun to sand.

It even still has the machine inside! I really dont need the machine though.

Oh, and I want to say thank you to everyone for your awesome comments on the ice cream cone t-shirt! I truly appreciate it.

I'm linking up to Today's Thrifty Treasures over at Southern Hospitality. Cant't wait to see what everyone else found this week!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

6 Scoop T-Shirt

I knew I wanted to make Layla something cute to wear for her ice cream birthday party. I was inspired by other bloggers showing the age t-shirt they have made, so I started brainstorming. I knew I didnt want just the number 6 or anything. Somehow, the idea popped into my head to do an ice cream cone. With six scoops. Six scoops for six years!

So one night after her dance class, we headed to Joann's to look for some fabric. Lucky for us, their fat quarters were on sale for $.99 each. We browsed up and down the aisle and came up with this. (I also used this fabric to make the bunting & dress for the cake topper).

I didn't take any pictures of the process, but I think you can figure it out. I looked online for a pattern to use, and found this coloring page. I shrunk it to size on the copy machine. I pinned it to my fabric, cut them out and applied some Fray Check to the edges. Then I attached them with Heat N'Bond and used the sewing machine to stitch around each one.

I think it turned out really cute!

Had I not waited until the last possible minute to make this stuff, I could have actually shared it before the party! Anyway, have a great Mothers Day!

Linked to:

The Sunday Showcase Party at Under the Table & Dreaming

Making the World Cuter Monday at Making the World Cuter

DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land

Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage
Show & Share Day at Just a Girl

Idea Sharin Wednesday at Women Who Do It All

Look What I Made Day at Creations by Kara

Whatever Goes Wednesday at Someday Crafts

Linky Party at Tea Rose Home

I Made It at Everything Etsy

Make It, Wear It at The Train to Crazy

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Placemat Into Pillow

Awhile back, I saw an project where they made a pillow from a placemat. I think it was Better Homes & Gardens, and I think it was something where they folded down the top of it... I can't remember, and I couldnt find it again. But since then I have been on the lookout for a placemat I could use. I just so happened to find one on clearance at Target a couple of weeks ago.
Since I couldnt find my original inspiration, I decided to improvise. I ripped open the seam just enough to get my hand in to stuff. I didnt take a photo, but I just used some polyfill.

Then I just hand stitched it shut. And voila! Check it out sitting on the old desk we found in Virginia. Which is now my end table.

I think it turned out pretty cute! I'm thinking about redoing that lampshade, too...

On another note, after months of looking at & drooling over all the quilts I see online, I finally got the nerve to try it myself. I had cut out the squares a couple months ago, but with the birthdays and vacation, I hadnt had time to do anything with them. Until last night. Now I need a piece of batting, I already have some muslin. The floral fabrics are all from vintage sheets & pillowcases. Question is, what should I bind this with?

Linking to:
The Sunday Showcase Party at Under the Table & Dreaming
Trash to Treasure Tuesday at Reinvented
DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land
Get Your Craft on Tuesday at Todays Creative Blog
Whatever Goes Wednesday at Someday Crafts
Look What I Made at Creations by Kara
The Linky Party at Tea Rose Home
Idea Sharing Wednesday at Women Who Do It All
Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage
Look at Me, I'm so Crafty at It's FUN to Craft!
Frugal Friday at The Shabby Nest
Categorically Crafting at Someday Crafts