Saturday, July 6, 2013

Coca-Cola’s America Is Your Park Campaign & Giveaway

 Coca-Cola has embarked on a hunt to discover America's Favorite Park. We have some great parks here in Lakeland. Our favorites are Barnett Family Park and Common Ground Inclusive Playground. They are both fabulous places to play! Right now, a park in your area could win up to a $100,000 grant to be used for improvements. Plus there are 2nd and 3rd places prizes, as well as a Wildcard prize. Visit the Take it to the Park website to vote for your favorite park!

 Of course my kids love to play on the equipment at the park, but balls and other toys are a lot of fun, too. They enjoyed playing with this fun Coca-Cola beach ball. Even if we weren't at the beach!

 It works pretty good in the pool, too. After all that play, I think we might just head to Subway for lunch. 

Now, how would you like to win the beach ball featured above, as well as a $20 Subway gift card? One lucky reader will!

To enter:
1. Tell me, what's your kids favorite thing to do at the park? (Mandatory).
2. Become a public follower of my blog, or let me know you already are. (Optional).

Please make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry and that I have a way to contact you! Either through your profile or leave your email in your comment. Winner will be chosen via Giveaway will remain open until Wednesday, July 10th (this may change). Good luck!

This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Coca-Cola. I was provided compensation for this post, however, thoughts and opinions expressed are 100% my own.


Christy Slaughter said...

We love all the parks in Lakeland! Our favorite clos to our house is Banana Lake Park for the big grassy field to play and run around with balls. Thanks for the chance.

Christy Slaughter said...

I am a follower! Thanks.

LauraJJ said...

Our favorite thing to do at the park is to use the playgrounds! Carter loves to go on the swings and slides! We try to visit all the different local parks! So fun to find new ones!
landfjacobson @

LauraJJ said...

Im a GFC follower
Laura Jacobson
landfjacobson @

Elena said...

We like biking in the park

Elena said...

GFC follower

Vanessa said...

My kids love to swing and have races. :) momlovesdeals at gmail dot com

Vanessa said...

I follow via GFC as Vanessa.
momlovesdeals at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My son loves the swing.
alaine74014 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I am a gfc follower
alaine74014 at gmail dot com

latanya t said...

my son likes playing on the slide

dlatany at gmail dot com

latanya t said...

gfc follower

dlatany at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My son loves for me to push him on the swings!

Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I follow you publicly on GFC! -- Wild Orchid
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said...

My kids like to go down the slides.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said...

I follow your blog.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

bahama97 said...

I think our most fun thing to do at the park is climb on the rocks. I like to watch the squirrels play, but I don't imagine Jenna would say that LOL!

boyzrule said...

We love to picnic and play on the equipment.

Dmoretti1967 at

boyzrule said...

Gfc follower as boyzrule

Dmoretti1967 at

Unknown said...

Coke is my downfall Wendy. It's the thing I have to make sure is in the fridge every night. You know like how some people have to make sure milks in the fridge. lol. The kids love the jungle gyms and the swings.

I love seeing kids playing outside. I can see the rains made your yard a beautiful green too. It's so nice to have our weeds green instead of brown for a change.

Have a great week... Tracy@CottonPickinCute

Unknown said...

I'm a follower.


1froglegs said...

Because of their age, they mostly just play on the playground equipment. As my son gets older hopefully we will play ball together, but for now I enjoy watching them play on the slides and pushing them in the swing.

1froglegs said...

I follow you publicly through GFC

ThriftyAnnabella said...

Play on the slides and monkey bars
annabella @ centurytel dot net

Mindy said...

The swings are definitely a favorite!

Mindy said...

...and I follow you. ;-)

June L said...

I still love to go to the park and play on the swings. Never too old.

junerlisle at gmail dot com

June L said...

Already a public GFC follower as June Lisle.

junerlisle at gmail dot com


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