Thursday, my friend & I decided to go to this little thrift store down the road from work, during our lunch break. We had been once before, and had wanted to go back. Well, we were pleased to find that everything in the store was 50% off! Unfortunately, it's because they are losing their building (they're a charity thrift) and are trying to clear everything out. The 50% off is going to continue until the end of the month. I picked up this Ball jar for $.25, the old sifter for $1, and the books for $.50 each. I got Little Women & one called The Water Babies, both from the 50's. The Water Babies is full of fairy tales. And then The Secret Garden is from the 80's, but I like that book. Not pictured it two clear glass teacups I got for $.25 for BOTH. They are at work holding paper clips & tacks. 
This morning, my friend, mother-in-law, my son & I headed out to see what we could find. The original goal was to hit an estate sale & then head to our favorite antique store for the yard sale they were having. At the estate sale I got this spice rack. I took the jars out, cleaned them out and will probably use them to hold scrapbooking stuff. I'm not sure yet where the house is going to go, but I thought it was cute. The estate sale was held in at least a 100 year old house. I have a soft spot for old houses. My dream house would be an old, two story house. This one was pretty small, but I still liked it. It still had the old glass doorknobs & skeleton key locks. They weren't exactly sure how old it was, but the one a few houses down was built in 1907, and this one was already there.
From there, we went to the antique store's sale. It wasn't as great as we thought it would be. One vendor had some tables set up outside and had her stuff 50% off. I picked up a yellow Pyrex bowl. I could have got another in the same size, in green for $10 for the pair, but I only got this one. It was normally $12.50, but I got it for $6. My first colored Pyrex!
We went to some more yard sales after that, but it was pretty much a bust. All we really found was clothes, toys & various other junk.
After my mother in law left, my friend & I ran down to the Missing Children's thrift we had been wanting to go to. More Pyrex! And I really liked this pumpkin dish. I doubt it's old, but its cute.
And here is a close-up of inside the pumpkin pie plate.
I think we definitely did better last week, but I am happy with what I found!