Today I am participating in Marie's Heirloom Party. I dont really have any family heirlooms. None that were actually passed down to me, knowing they were an heirloom. But when my mom passed away, I took a few things that I know were in the family, but unfortunatly, I know nothing about them. I dont know how old they are, or where they came from, or who might have used them. But they are special to me, and I hope to pass them on to my kids, making them heirlooms for sure. This is a 2 quart churn. The raised letters on the front say Dazey Churn & Mfg. Co. at the top of the circle, and below they say No. 20 Made in St. Louis - USA.
I do remember seeing this in my grandmothers house, but never bothered trying to find out more, or really asking anything about her past. I was 16 when she passed away, and I regret not learning more about her. She would be 95 this year.

Oh to have her here now. The stories I could learn about and the treasure she had. I didnt realize it then, but looking back now, she had some amazing things. I miss her. I wish she could have known my children.
This little Singer sewing machine also comes from her side of the family. From looking it up a little online, I think I remember seeing this one came out in 1914. That's the year she was born. She had siblings, but I cant remember if she had an older sister or not. Maybe their mother got it for them? Maybe it was an older sisters? I will never know. My mother passed away when I was 21, and I still hadnt come around to asking about the past at that point. Yet another thing I regret. There really isnt anyone else in the family to learn much from. I do have an aunt that came to live with my mother when she was in her teens. Her mother died, leaving 13 or so children to be split up among family members.

I've wondered what these might be worth, but could never part with them!
It still has the needle in it.
So there you have it, my two most valued family heirlooms. Be sure to check out Marie's blog for more great Heirlooms!