
Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July

(Warning, lot's of photos!) I hope you and your family had a great holiday! We sure did. We went to Mike's sisters' house for the day.

The kids wanted to bring the sponge balls. Sponge fight!!

Of course, all the little ones targeted their older cousin.

But even more fun than a dirty sponge fight....

A huge, inflatable waterslide! This thing was a big hit with kids and adults alike!

Layla cheesin'.

After all that excitement (my kids got dropped off over there around 9 am and they went non-stop all day), it was time for fireworks.

Gotta have sparklers...

Since we did our own fireworks, I don't really have any great shots. We did buy some of the big ones that go way up and explode, like the professional displays, but they were REALLY hard to get pictures of! So here are the only two that I managed to get more than a spark:

As you can imagine, the kids crashed pretty hard that night!


  1. Wow, cute cake, and what a fun waterslide.. and it must be so nice to get your own fireworks like that...

  2. Looks like such a FUN weekend - that bouncy blow-uo is so neat!

  3. The cake looked delicious! And it looks like you had a fantastic weekend. Thanks for visiting my site the other day -- have a great week.

  4. love the cake! I bet it was delicious... and the sparklers look like fun. They were my fav as a kid. xoxo, Joanna


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