
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Making Progress

Morgie's party is fast approaching (sad, isn't it?), and the party prep is in full swing. After seeing some completely adorable clothespin doll cake toppers, I decided I wanted to give one a try for Morgan's cake. She isn't perfect, but here she is! I made that little curl out of clay, she has a huge curl that sticks out on that side of her head. So cute! Question is... green base?

Or pink?

Tissue paper pom-poms are about halfway done.

For Layla's first birthday, she wore a pretty little dress. But I decided to go the tutu route for Morgie. The colors look better in real life, I promise!

First time making cupcake picks, I think they turned out pretty cute. Gotta love the $1 stamps at Michaels!

These are what will really make her birthday outfit. I got the bloomers from
Kennedi's Closet and the applique from Pinpoint. The hardest part was finding a white t-shirt! I didnt want to pay $10 for three onesies when I only needed one, and Target had NO plain white t's for girls. I found one in the toddler boys section for $5, thankfully!

I knew right away I wanted to make a bunting. It was my first one, and I think it turned out pretty good! Really hard to take a picture of though! That's Blake trying to help.

I still have to make marshmallow pops (Thanks Heidi!!) and pretzels, finish the poms, finish the cake topper, put her outfit together... Hopefully I can get it all done around school, dance & football. Wish me luck!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Somewhat Recent Finds

First, I want to say thank you for the birthday wishes! We went out to eat at Outback Steakhouse with his parents. Yay for steak! And of course, his mom told the waitress that it was our birthday, so we got that wonderful song and some free ice cream.

Anyway, I thought I'd share a few recent finds! It's hardly ever too cold here to hold a yardsale, so there isnt really much of an off-season. If anything, winter is more yardsale season than summer. Florida summers can be unbearable! This is a mixture of yard sale & thrift store finds.

These birds are pretty ugly in gold (at least I think so!)

But much better painted white for Morgan's party!

Another insulator for my collection.

You can't go wrong with Pyrex! I have a larger bowl of this pattern on my shelf at work.

And I LOVE this one!

This little owl was too cute to pass up.

I love these old cutters, and I didnt have a circle one, so yay for useful finds!

I always see all of you posting your amazing vintage Christmas finds, and I never seem to find any! Well, I finally did, at a charity yardsale at my kids' school. The teenage daughter of Blake's 1st grade teacher was critically injured in an apartment fire in NYC. She was burned very badly trying to rescue her cousin, who sadly, died in the fire.

I also found this at the same sale. It's vintage! And says Kromex on the bottom. I am debating painting it white, I'm not sure though. I found another piece from Kromex awhile back.

I kind of like the shiny chrome color, but there are a few spots like this...

And the little ball looks like this...

So, what do you think? Paint, or no paint? I plan on using this at Morgie's party, too.
Im linking this up to the new season of Today's Thrifty Treasures at Southern Hospitality!

Friday, February 19, 2010


Somehow, I turned 27 today. When did that happen? Is it just me, or does time seen to go faster now that we're adults? 25 was weird sounding to me, like, holy cow, I'm a quarter of a century old. But 27 sounds even more weird. Maybe because I'm closing in even more on 30!? Anyway, Happy Birthday to me, and to my husband, Mike. It's his birthday today, too! We get to celebrate by spending the day at work (yay for me!) and then we're going out to eat tonight. Have a good one!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Birthday Prep

Somehow, almost a whole year has managed to pass. Which means Morgan is turning one in 15 days. And that also means Im in full party planning mode. I decided not to use a commercial theme for her party. I've decided to go with a birdie theme.

The colors are a little muted, it was overcast tonight, but here are her invitations:

I'm planning on making her a little tutu. Ive already ordered her a pair of bloomers from Etsy. I'm not 100% thrilled with this shade of green, but it was either this, or lime green.

I'm kind of nervous about this... the bunting. It seems easy enough looking at other peoples'. I just hope it's really that easy for me!

Here's a few of the goodies I found at Michaels to decorate with.

And I found this cute little drink dispenser for $6 at Walmart. Isnt it cute? Its plastic, but I think it looks just as nice as the fancy glass apothecary jar types.

And now I need some help. I usually have no problems with parties, but for some reason, I'm having trouble with this one. I have a couple of problems actually.

#1. What to do for party favors? There will only be possibly 4 girls at this party. Ages 1, 3, 4 & 5. The rest will be boys ages 6-9. I thought about maybe homemade marshmallows or decorated sugar cookies, but I'm not really sure.

#2. What to do to keep them entertained? I thought about a bounce house since Morgie could get in it, but I dont know. Maybe a craft?

#3. I need a good pink punch or lemonade recipe for that cute little dispenser above. I think I'm leaning more towards lemonade, but I'm open to both. I just want it to taste good & not need pebble ice!

So, can anyone help? Thanks in advance!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Another Quick Valentine Project

First, I just have to share, my coffee table makeover was featured on Better After! I was so excited, thank you Lindsey!

My daughter loves all things hair. Hair bows, clips, headbands... she likes them all! I've made a few of the fabric hair clips that are all over the place. A couple flowers, a couple circles, but this time, I knew I wanted to try something different for Valentine's Day. I decided to try a heart. And I think it turned out really cute!

It just two layers of each fabric, stiched together with some felt behind it. I roughed up the edges a bit and stiched it onto a clip, and boom, done! Took maybe 20 minutes? I wish I would have gotten a picture of her wearing it, but I was runnig out of light and we had to get to dance class.

Im in the midst of making 36 heart shaped crayons for school parties. Fun! I also have my first college exam tomorrow. Scary! Have a good one!

Im adding this to Look What I Made! day at Creations by Kara, Transformation Thursday at the Shabby Chic Cottage and Show & Tell at Blue Cricket Design.

Also linked to the Hair Crap Linky Party at A Girl & a Glue Gun

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Super Cheap Valentine's Garland

I dont really do much for Valentine's Day (the holiday itself or decorating for it). Our birthday (yes our, hubby and I have the same birthday!) is 5 days later, and well, I just dont really have much for decorations. But I decided to make a few this year. I already shared my glittery hearts and glass block, but I just finished up something else last night. This super easy, super cheap heart garland!

This couldnt be easier! Just take old magazines you have and wish to part with. Browse through and look for anything red or pink, and then just punch them out! I did not have a punch, so I made a template and cut them out. I mounted them on cardstock for stability. I punched a small hole in each side, and threaded them onto yarn. Didnt cost a thing! But I think it turned out pretty cute.

Pardon the lighting in this picture. This is my hallway, so there isnt any natural light.

I managed to hit a couple sales this morning, found a few good things. Hopefully I'll get to sharing those soon. I hope you have a great weekend!

Im adding this to Make it for Monday over at Cottage Instincts, I Made it Without My Hubby at Shanty2Chic and Shop the House Sunday at Finesse Your Nest!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

5 Reasons Why My Blog Rocks

I may never be one of those bloggers with thousands of followers, but I still think my blog rocks! Why?

Because I like showing that working mommies can get projects done, too!

But I'm also not afraid to admit that I am a procrastinator and some things done always get finished. Or started.

Kids Birthdays! Even though I only get to share two a year (soon to be 3!). Im told I'm pretty good at these.

Princess Party

Nascar Party

Hannah Montana Party

Totally Gross Party

Luau Party

Lunar Mini Golf Party

Cute kiddos! (At least I think so!)

I love to share my thrift store scores! I may never find more than 1 vintage Shiny Brite or piece of Jade-ite, but I think I still find some pretty good stuff.

It was tough to come up with these! What about you, why does your blog rock? Head on over to Serenity Now and share why!