Once again, I am particiapting in Today's Thrifty Treasures, at Rhoda's Southern Hospitality. Don't forget to head over there to see what everyone else found this week. Also, head over to Susan's Betwen Naps on the Porch for Met Monday!
I didnt go to the thrift store or any yard sales this week. But I had to run to Target to get some super cheap Bounce Dryer Bars. Have you tried these yet? I love them! I always have to check the clearance racks, and I happened to find this little guy. I am debating on painting him white. What do you think? Right now he's kind of a brown/bronze color.
Yesterday, I was letting the chickens out, and happened to glance over at our banana tree. And saw bananas! Can you eat these? Anyone know?
Ok, I need your ideas on this one. I saw these metal locker looking pieces at the thrift store. There are 4 of them. White, blue, red & I cannot remember the other color. Any idea what these came from? AND any idea what I could use them for? They are marked $2.

Remember this table from a little while back?
I had wanted to paint it white. Mike got it all sanded down and thought about restaining it. But I really wanted it painted. So he got it all primed up. I was thinking about using Heirloom White, but had also thought maybe we could try a color, instead of white. But I wasnt sure, and certainly didnt know what color.
Well, I looked out the door yesterday, and saw it was getting a makeover. What do you think? The color came from the free Glidden giveaway. It's called Sea Glass Green and looks EXACTLY like the Jadeite pieces I have. We were thinking about painting the bottom this green, and the top a creamy, antique white. What do you think?
Yes, paint the bird white! LOVE The green table sooooo pretty!
I love the table that color green! And I love the bird the way it is but that's because it fits so well with my house!
Hi Wendy, I think I would keep the Queen Anne table entirely in that green color. It's so clean and fresh! Where are you going to use it? And yes, paint that bird white.
:-) Sue
lovely colour and yes, those bananas look perfect.Just wait till they put on some colour and enjoy...
Love the color of the table and like the idea of a cream top.
I agree with painting the bird as well.
I love the green. Maybe we should have a party so everyone can show what they did with their free Glidden paint.
Visiting from Rhoda's.
I like the bird the way it is but whatever works for you is best...Right?
The sea green is nice!
I love shopping Target clearance!
Love that green table. I'd keep it all green, but what do I know about decorating?
I love the table and that you used the FREE Glidden Paint!
I love the green paint on your table, green all the way and yes the rooster should be white.Great finds. Have a great week and thanks for visiting.
That little birdie is too cute and would be super cute in white. :)
Love the color of the table. I'd paint the bird white.
We had bananas similar to those when we lived in Miami. I used them for Banana Bread & Peanut Butter & Banana Milkshakes for the kiddos. We weren't real crazy for them as is.
Hi, Wendy! Thanks for the visit. :) I think you should do the whole table in green...it's so pretty!!! I LOVE the little bird, and def. in white. :)
I love your new table, great color...
Yep, that table looks great green. Of course it is my fav color. I think white on top would really be lovely. Please post final pictures, I'd love to see the finished project.
Visiting you from Rhodas, please stop by and say hi.
Love the green table! No I have tried the dryer bar yet. I have a couon for one though.
I vote for all green on the coffee table. it's just a lovely color!
I think the bird looks good now, but things always come to life with a fresh coat of white.
I love the green table, but I think a cream top would be nice. You can always paint it green too, if you don't like it!
oh your table is wonderful! your rooster is very neat...and those bananas...unless you know which variety the plant is...I'd be careful. I know that there is one type that is not edible...just can't remember which...mine never gets that far...I start a new one from seed every year...I also have heard that the bananas on these plants can be a bit bitter...I wonder which you have? How cool is it to see those there! I can only wish.
good luck with your plantings...I am sure that if you look in my side bar...Darla from More Family and Flowers would be able to give you some tips for Florida gardens...hers are fantastic!
The table turned out great! I love those endcaps at Target! I've gotten some great stuff that way! Love the little bird candleholder!
~ Pam
Love the table! How fun that you used your free paint! I would leave the bird as is for Fall decorating....but you do whatever matches your decor! Happy week!...Debbie
I'm glad you stopped by again! Yes, you must go to TJ Maxx - what are you waiting for?! :) I would most definitely paint the bird white and leave the table that soothing shade of green.
Hi Wendy, Oh my, I love the table painted green. I have a table very similar to yours, you've inspired me to go bold and paint it. The bird would look great painted white.
Love the green table--I'd keep it solid green, myself. Can't help with the locker (?) doors, but I'm sure you will find a clever use for them.
Have a wonderful week ahead!
That table looks great in the green. Don't ya just LOVE Target's clearance isle!?!?
Hi Wendy!
Thanks for your comment!
I LOVE the seaglass green table perfect as is!!!
love, kelee
Love the green table and I do like 2-tone furniture but you have to have the right room for it!
I like the bird as it but I tend to like metal in darker colors. With a lighter color the dust shows so much more!
I vote to leave the bird as is. It looks more natural to me that way. Great find!
It is so neat to see a photo of bananas on a tree! I think that you should leave your table green. It looks much better green than when you bought it!
Hi - Visiting from Rhoda's - I love the idea of the table...hope it turns out for you. As for the little birdie - I like it the way it is, but I think it would look great white on my porch....you choose...I am sure it will be great either way! Good luck... Becky
Loving the wire bird and your table looks fabulous!! ya wanna come finish my antique radio cabinet she only needs some paint. :)
great finds! those look like the front of a locker! i would hang them in a kids room or playroom and use them as magnet boards! cute!
Love the table it is gorgeous!
I think I would paint the top white/cream.
Thanks for coming for a visit and I hope you will come back often.
i'd paint your little bird white...cute find! :0 gotta love target endcaps. and i would leave the table green....it turned out great!.....and for the locker door fronts i would cluster them either two on top two on bottom and use them as a magnetic message board...or use magnetic clips to hold pictures. they are super cute...i'd pick them up! :)
Good choice of paint on the table!!
My first instinct would be to paint the birdie white, too. But why not, oh, I don't know...a bold red? Or rather, a color to match its surroundings? p.s. Thanks for stopping by Monkey Hill.
Love, love that green table, the creamy white top sounds great- but I love the all green too since it complements your treasures.
I vote for keeping the bird the way it is...but I'm partial to the brown/bronze color myself. The table looks great in the green color...I'd paint the entire table that color. The locker-looking doors are cool. I think they'd be great in a kids room and used as a magnetic board. It looks like they have a space where you can add a name or caption. They could be grouped together as a larger magnetic board and each person in the family could have a section with their name in the designated space (does that make sense). Anyway....some great finds, thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by my blog.
The table looks amazing!!! And I agree, I think the bird would look fantastic white:)
Nice job on the coffee table. You and your hubby make a great project team! I like the bird as is ... but only you can decide!
Hope our paths cross again soon!
My brother has that exact table in its original finish, I'll have to link him to it. I'd paint the bird white and put it on the table :)
I would try the bananas...my neighbors used to eat theirs all the time. YUM!
Love the finds!
Yes, green on the table!! I love the bird too!!
That table is just precious!! And, I would paint the bird black--then he'd be ready for your fall decor!! Really cute! No idea about the other thingie you found!!
Hey chickadee!
Okay keep the bird that color it goes with fall!! As for the lockers get hubby to build you some boxes our of plywood and add these to the front for a storage unit to store things in when you walk in the door keep them all the same color I would do a them a green color like you did the table and have the storage unit a cream color! add numbers on paper and walla! I wish my hubby would do stuff like that for me. He is not handy WUT so ever!!! He scares me with power tools! haha! big hugs
I love the bird and I love the color he is. He's perfect as is. What a great find!
I'm new to this whole blogging thing. I was suggesting YOU host the party. I still love the color of the table.
Lovely! I can not wait to see it done!
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