I want to give a BIG thank you to Sarah from Chickie Momma Crafts for giving me this award! This is my first time getting one, I was so suprised, and excited! Thank you!
Here are the details of this award:
- Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award. Thank you Sarah!!
- Share "10 Honest Things" about yourself.
- Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
- Tell those 7 people they've been awarded Honest Scrap and inform them of these guidelines.
So here are 10 things about me:
1. I am adopted. I found out when I was in elementary or middle school. I dont know anything about my biological family.
2. I can cross one eye, without crossing the other, as well as wiggle my ears.
3. I have never flown in an airplane, and honestly, dont really want to! (Of course, that interferes with my desire to one day be able to travel to Italy, Ireland, etc.).
4. I have lived in Florida my entire life.
5. I have too many cats (10!) but cant bear the thought of getting rid of any of them.
6. I met hubby online in a chatroom!
7. I REALLY want to own another horse (or two!). I had one growing up and miss her! I also miss riding terribly. Its been about 9 years!
8. I HATE that Layla's name seems to be growing in popularity.
9. We ALL have birthdays on the 19th, except Morgan. Mike & I are 2/19, Blake is 9/19, Layla is 4/19, Mike's dad is 12/19 and we were married on 11/19. Poor Morgie is the oddball with 3/2.
10. I can totally deal with snakes, I even had one when I was younger. But spiders terrify me!
Now to share the award... this is really hard! There are so many fantastic blogs out there!
Sarah @ Makin Projiks (Misadventures of Mama & JackJack)
Kim @ Kim's Treasures
Jennifer @ Rosey Little Things
Ashley & Whitney @ Shanty2Chic
Jane @ Out of the Crayon Box
Rebecca @ Blue Cricket Design
Shara @ Monkeybox
Thanks Wendy!!! You rock! I hope to get a similar post up this Sunday! All my best!!!
Blue Cricket Design
Congratulations Wendy! You deserve it. I've lived in FL all my life too and my only sister who is older was adopted at birth. Thank goodness I have her and she doesn't know her birth parents into either.
P.S. In case I didn't tell you...I'm hosting my 1st giveaway please stop by.
Congrats on your award! I can see why your blog is so well-loved. I can't believe almost all of you were born on the 19th! The numerologists must have a field day with you guys! ;-)
Who know maybe Morgan will be married or have a child of her own one day on the 19th. Funny how you mentioned as we often end up buying homes with the number 11 in them. We built a home one year and we only had the lot # and a few weeks into the building we notice the legal address was 11. Totally made me laugh. I was nuts about not finding the pumpkin that I drove to Wallmart and they had tons of cans. Needless to say I bought 6 cans so check out your local Wallmart.
Thanks, I'll check there!
I have never flown either, nor do I care to. I'd love to have too many cats! I, too, met my hubby online in a chat room! And my daughter is expecting and if it's a girl she has picked Layla also... but with a bit different spelling but not quite sure what it is! :)
What fun it was to get to know you better.
Thanks so much!! You are too sweet.. I am so bad about passing awards along.
Congrats on the award! Love hearing more about you too.
I also met my husband online. We've been married for about 5 years. ANd oh the stories I could tell you about the number 19. lol My bday is 11/19, anniversary to first husband was 12/19, our divorce was final on 7/19, and he remarried on 1/19.
Congrats on your award. I enjoyed learning more about you. :-)
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